We Have trained leaders in 18
different denominations

Some people dream of success. We make it happen.

The Prophet Isaiah declared, “Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes. For you will spread out to the right and to the left.” The Kingdom is ready to grow. How about you and your church? Are you ready to enlarge your tent? Are you ready to stretch out your curtain and welcome new worshippers? Are you ready to experience deep growth? New worshipers are coming, are you ready? We can help.
We have worked with large and small congregations, helping them assess their health then to reach their GOD - given potential. ln 2013 we led workshops and consultaitons for various churches in the east coast and in the mid-west. Working with a cluster of area pastors we dreamed with them, assisting them in taking their congregation to the next level.
We have worked with a variety of churches all across the U.S.A. They vary from small to large churches, denominational and non-denominational. We have led presbytery wide events, resourced presbyteries as well as small cluster groups. Although our clients have ranged in size, our niche is helping the small to medium sized churches become healthy and grow in and in vitality.
A vital, healthy, growing church
can be yours!

Our mission is to bring hope to churches and pastors by building upon proven practices of our mentors, such as Lyle Schaller, Bill Easum, and the Institute for American Church Growth.
Our consultants design solutions tailored specifically to the unique needs of your church in order to ensure that you achieve your dreams, realize your goals as you grow a healthy, vital church.
Check out our custom solutions and services and free tips.
Feel free to give us a call at:
“It is my pleasure to recommend Jim and Bill as consultants and trainers. Their combined years of experience make them two of the best leaders in the field of consultation in the USA. As you review their insights, and implement their recommendations, your church or organization will benefit greatly." - Gary L. McIntosh, Ph. D.
Gary L. McIntosh is President of the Church Growth Network and Professor of Christian Ministry and Leadership at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University and the author of 22 books on church growth & 6 manuals on pastoral ministry.